Monday, 26 February 2007

five things

The bloke from the curry house says it'll be at least 30 minutes until my dhansak arrives so in the meantime here are five things most people don't know about me.

  1. I once slept with my mate's mum (she had a beard)
  2. I once slept with my girlfriend's mum (she had no body hair at all!!)
  3. I had an offer of gay sex once and turned it down (a topic for another time)
  4. I once had sex 11 times in one day (and walked like John Wayne for the next 2 days)
  5. I once accidently got my own semen in my mouth (Just don't ask)
More fun lists later.


Anonymous said...

eeewww to number 1
eeeeeww to number 2
rehehealy??? ;) to number 3
and eeeeewwwwwwwwww to number 4

my goodness man what madness do you get up to???

Seth said...

What's so bad about 1 and 2?

Anonymous said...

mums!!!! you don't ever sleep with mums of friends or gilfriends!! (especially if they had a beard!)it's a violation!!! and please god tell me how you managed to get your own semen in your mouth! how? just HOW?

Seth said...

Well to be fair to me I was very drunk when I had sex with my mate's mum, and she initiated it so it would have been rude of me to say no.

The girlfriend's mum was for a bet and she was shagging somneone else behind my back anyway so I didn't feel bad about that one.

Now, as to the semen. Well, when a young man masturbates he often has an orgasm with quite a lot of force. Sometimes too much force. The time it happened I was laying on my bed tugging away as usual and as I came it shot out with such force that it hit me in the face. A large glob landed right on my top lip and my instant reaction was to just lick it off. Not a mistake I am likely to make again.

I always aim away from my face when wanking these days. I do NOT want that to happen ever again.

Anonymous said...

fair enough to the girlfriend.
does your friend know you screwd their mum???

i would have loved to see you slpash yourself!!! did it taste nice?? i bet you wont ever ask a girl to swallow again!

Seth said...

No way does he know. He would kill me. He is very protective about his mum. Probably part of the appeal.

It did not taste nice. It was like thick salty wallpaper paste.

I haven't asked a girl to swallow ever I don't think. If they want to they are more then welcome but I always give them notice of what is going to happen so they can move away if they want to. Im a bit of a gentleman you see. :)

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