Tuesday, 27 February 2007

a new day, a new toy

My new toy arrived today.

After reading about furtive's recent purchases I decided that it had been to long since I had a new toy. Looking for mens toys is much harder than looking for womens. There just isn't the selection if you will be using them alone.

I finally settled on this. I haven't used it yet but the night is young and I'm sure it'll get a try out (or 2) before bed.


Anonymous said...

wowii that looks like something i'd like to try out on a guy!!! happy pumping!

i'm sure i've heard someone say that before!

Seth said...

Not got time for a full post yet but tonight will do a post describing how it went with it last night.

Was very interesting.

Anonymous said...

I look forward to it... I was looking at that the other day and wondered if it would be any good.

Not that my hand isn't a perfectly good masturbation sleeve, but I don't have knobbly bits! ;)

Seth said...

You don't have knobbly bits? I must be hanging round the wrong kind of women then. :P