Wednesday, 7 March 2007


It's been a boring few days. Haven't been out much. Haven't done much of anything.

And what's worse, I haven't had sex since the weekend.

My right arm, however, now looks like Popeye's. I think subconsciously I am still mentally scared from the hairy monster at the weekend.

I need something/somone new to get me out of this hole.


Anonymous said...

aww you poor thing! just call some friends and have a random night out! not the friend that got you into bed with Cousin It from the Adams family mind. she will never let yo live it down!

Seth said...

Oh she is great to go out with. Always pointing out the best women that look like they are gagging for it.

She is always getting me into trouble though. Mainly by setting me up with dodgy women.

I think I may need a pro at some point this week just to get me back in the swing of things.