Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Ok this time I really am back

Been so busy at work this month that I have hardly even had time to check my emails.

Thanks to Rachel for emailing me and reminding me that I should be here posting dirty sex stories instead of working :)

And since I'm really busy tonight too i will post anohter 5 things about me that a lot of people don't know.

1. I once had sex with a woman and whilst sucking her nipple looked across and saw.....her nipple. Turned out she had a massive boil on her boob and it was dark and eeeekkkk!

2. I have had sex with only 1 black women and I didn't really dig it.

3. I once slept with a pro who stuck her finger up my arse while wanking me off. Very scary and sexy at the same time.

4. I have had sex in a public phone box. (smelly and nasty)

5. I once ejaculated and it shot over 6 feet.


Anonymous said...

was there hair on the boil??? *giggles*
you would be really surprised how many guys i know who aren't attracted to black women
how far up there did it go?
six feet!! my lord did it have wings?

Anonymous said...

Whose feet were they ???

Anonymous said...

hahaha kev

seth - this is a bit of a shit comeback really, is it not? ;)